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'Do unto others as you would have them do to you'. (Mt 7.12)

St Matthew's Primary

Friendship • Discovery • Prayer

Year 5 - Cypress class

Teachers - Miss Dyer and Mrs Smith


Please click here for the Year 5 parent's information, and click here to see the Year 5 Curriculum map.


Autumn topic overview

Spring topic overview

Summer topic overview


Year 5 highlights 2024/25:

Sports Leader training:

The annual sports leader training from Merton was once again a huge success. The children explained, managed and participated in a range of activities, which they will teach to the KS1 children over the next few terms. Well done Year 5 sports leaders!

Wimbledon Bookfest:

Year 5 were very lucky to go and see Tim Peake at Bookfest, which fitted in perfectly with our Earth and Space topic this term. It was a definite highlight and Year 5 loved it!


Year 5 highlights 2023/2024:

Raging rivers:

Following on from our Geography work on the journey of the river, Year 5 designed and created their own river models.

Thames Explorer trip:

Year 5 had the chance to be scientists, archaeologists and historians all at once as they had the opportunity to investigate the Thames and all it had to offer.

Thames Explorers


Visit to Raynes Park Library:

Year 5 loves to read! So we were very lucky to visit the local library and borrow some interesting and exciting new books.

Sports Leader training:

Every year, Merton Sports visit our Year 5's to train them up to become sports leaders. We had a morning of organising, planning and putting our sports leader skills to the test.


Radical rockets:

 Soaring into Space:

Our Autumn term topic was Earth and Space. We blasted off our learning by creating our own solar system and orbits.


Year 5 highlights 2022/2023:

Coronation celebrations:

Class assembly:

We travelled through Year 5, back through outer space, down to The Kingdom of Benin and back up to Victorian England to share our learning with everyone.

Year 5 class assembly


Bible Explorers:

Year 5 has been very lucky to have Ruth from Bible Explorers visiting us over the last few weeks to share her knowledge and enthusiasm about the New Testament. There's been singing, drama, food, lots of fun and we've definitely learnt a lot.

Bible Explorers


Our Thames Explorer trip:

Year 5 had the chance to be scientists, archaeologists and historians all at once as they had the opportunity to investigate the Thames and all it had to offer.


World Book Day:


Class worship:


Shree Ghanapathy Temple:

Our trip to the Shree Ghanapathy Temple. As part of our learning about Hinduism, Year 5 visited the Hindu temple in the Autumn term. We were able to explore the temple, wear some traditional clothing and experience puja.

Shree Ghanapathy Temple


Sports Leader training:

Year 5 were lucky to have  Mr Reddy from Merton come into school to train them up to become Sports Leaders. In the Summer term, they'll have the opportunity to share their expertise with Key Stage 1 during their PE sessions.