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'Do unto others as you would have them do to you'. (Mt 7.12)

St Matthew's Primary

Friendship • Discovery • Prayer

Year 3 - Eucalyptus

Teachers - Mr Olaniran and Mrs Jupp


Please click here for the Meet the teacher information, and click here to see the Year 3 Curriculum map.



Trip to the Poppy Factory November 2023:


Poppy Factory Trip November 2023



 Prayer Garden 2024/25: 


Year 3 recently visited the Prayer Garden, and wrote in their RE books afterwards what they are grateful for:


"I am grateful for my friends and football."


"I am grateful for my family and all the creatures that God has given us."


"I am grateful for the fresh food supply in my life, especially fabulous apples."


"I am grateful for all the languages in the world."