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'Do unto others as you would have them do to you'. (Mt 7.12)

St Matthew's Primary

Friendship • Discovery • Prayer


St Matthew’s is a successful Voluntary Aided Church of England School, where children achieve the highest standards in a dynamic, exciting and enriching environment.  

Extensive Grounds

Situated in the quiet and leafy location of Cottenham Park Road, our setting, with direct access to a large playing field, supports our mission to ensure that children have fun and are given the opportunity to develop imaginative and adventurous play which is the right of every child.  We have two well-equipped adventure playgrounds and a fantastic school allotment, where the children are able to grow vegetables. We also have a Prayer Garden where the children pray regularly and hold daily acts of Worship.

All Are Welcome

Children and families of all nationalities and faiths are warmly welcomed into our school. Being a single-level school, we are accessible to wheelchairs and we provide well for children with Special Educational Needs. 

A Sense of Family

One of the greatest benefits of being a one-form entry school is the sense of family that we are able to engender.  It is because we are few in number that we know each individual child’s family, their interests, achievements, worries and challenges and that we are able to make every child feel loved and cared for.

A Relationship With God

Children are invited to explore their own faith and their relationship with God, through prayer and reflection, delight in the gift of natural world and growing sense of responsibility towards themselves and others.