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'Do unto others as you would have them do to you'. (Mt 7.12)

St Matthew's Primary

Friendship • Discovery • Prayer


Fundraising by the PTA and the Governors is crucial to bridging the gap between the cost of educational resources, equipment and services and our current school budget.

The PTA is a registered charity, which enables it to:

  • Receive charitable donations from local and national companies
  • Apply to grant-making charitable trusts
  • Receive donations through payroll giving and company matched funding schemes
  • Apply for Gift Aid

Matched Funding

Many organisations encourage their employees to volunteer for their chosen charities and support their fundraising efforts through Matched Funding schemes.

Companies that offer Matched Funding will pledge a sum of money relating to the amount of money their employee has raised or donated, often on a £ for £ basis. For example, at the Christmas Fair the employee works on a stall that makes a profit of £200. His/her employer matches this with another £200. Other companies will offer a stipulated amount based on certain criteria, for example a minimum number of hours volunteered by their employee.

If you think that your employer has a matched funding scheme in operation, or if you would like some more information about matched funding, please talk to one of the PTA committee members or contact us on stmatthewsschoolpta@gmail.com

Gift Aid

St Matthews PTA is a registered charity and as such can claim gift aid on donations made to the school for sponsorship. If you are a UK tax payer, we are able to claim 25p in every pound that you donate to the PTA. A form for sponsorship/donation will have a tick box option to donate and your name and address will be required.

The Giving Machine

Every time you shop online with your favourite retailers you can generate a donation for our school at no additional cost to you.

The Giving Machine is a charity that converts your online purchases into donations to us. It’s free to join and with more than 2,000 of your favourite retailers including Amazon, Ebay, M&S, Next, John Lewis, Waitrose and Gap, you are bound to find what you need.

It’s really simple.  Go to The Giving Machine website or mobile app, click on your favourite shops and a percentage of your shopping bill will be donated to us - at no extra cost to you!
To sign up please go to https://www.thegivingmachine.co.uk/causes/st-matthews-c-of-e-primary  it’s that easy!
Sign up code – 57353