Computing & Online Safety
Computing & Online Safety at St Matthew’s
Friendship, Discovery, Prayer
At St. Matthew’s we value the positive use of technology and we understand its potential to change the world for the better. We recognise that the safe and adept use of technology is an increasingly essential life-skill in a rapidly changing world.
We believe that every child can be digitally literate; using, expressing and developing their ideas through digital mediums. We understand that making informed decisions when using the internet requires our children to develop proficient reasoning and interpersonal skills.
We want our children to leave St. Matthew’s as digitally literate, digitally responsible and digitally resilient citizens of the future with the confidence to participate independently, effectively and safely in the digital world.
To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in computing and online safety, we implement a curriculum that progresses in complexity of skill and knowledge as children move through the school.
From Years 1 to 6, we follow the Teach Computing Curriculum which has been developed by The National Centre for Computing Education. This curriculum fully meets the requirements of the computing programmes of study of the National Curriculum in England and ensures we are able to provide consistency in teaching and age-appropriate progression across the school.
Six strands are taught across each year group, within half termly units:
- computing systems & networks
- creating media A
- programming A
- data and information
- creating media B
- programming B
Cross-curriculum links are utilised wherever possible to demonstrate the applied nature of computing as a subject. Teachers may also choose to adapt unit content, for example, by following the children’s particular interests or linking concepts to a topic, to ensure the learning remains engaging, broad and balanced.
In the Early Years, the EYFS framework promotes the development of the whole child and specifically the physical, social, emotional and comprehension skills necessary to access the Year 1 computing curriculum. Our youngest children also engage with the online learning platform, Seesaw, which allows them to document their learning through photos and videos, both in the classroom and at home.
In Key Stage One, children learn how to use digital painting, photography and music programs. They also begin to develop their word processing and digital presentation skills. In addition, they begin to understand the basics of programming, using Bee-Bots and Scratch Jnr.
In Key stage Two, children continue to explore the use of digital media programs including painting, animation and movie making. As the children’s programming skills become more advanced, they progress to using the Scratch program and devise Microsoft MakeCode projects. Databases and data representation skills are also taught in Upper Key Stage Two. From year 3, children have Google Classroom accounts to support their learning.
Online safety awareness is embedded across the curriculum and throughout our school community so that children and their families know how to keep safe online and where to turn to for support both in school and at home. We use the ‘click clever, click safe’ safety code to help us manage online scenarios safely and successfully.
From the Early Years, we are guided by the Education for a Connected World framework which equips children with the skills and resilience to cope with a digital life. The framework comprises eight strands:
- self-image & identity
- online relationships
- online reputation
- online bullying
- managing online information
- health, wellbeing & lifestyle
- privacy & security
- copyright & ownership
In February, we take part in Safer Internet Day; a yearly, global initiative which encourages young people to think about using the internet ‘responsibly, respectfully and creatively’.
Our implementation of the computing & online safety curriculum is enabled through the use of:
- Interactive whiteboards in every classroom
- An ICT suite with 30 desktop PCs
- A large-screen overhead projector in our school hall
- A class set of Ipads
- Chromebooks
- Bee-Bots
- Visualisers
- Additional desktop PCs in upper KS2 classrooms
Both technical and curriculum support is provided by IT experts at Adept Education Ltd.
At St. Matthew’s, the children:
- are enthusiastic about computing
- are confident in their approach to computing
- are creative and adaptable thinkers
- are able to evaluate their own work and persevere to identity and solve problems
- are able to work collaboratively
- understand and value the potential of technology to have a positive impact
- understand the risks associated with going online
- understand how to be make informed decisions that keep them safe online
- move on to secondary school with the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence to be successful in their continued learning of this subject
In Key Stages 1 and 2, teacher-judgement assessments of the computing curriculum units ensure children’s understanding of key concepts is carefully tracked at the end of each half term. Children who are working significantly below or above expectations are identified at each of these time points so that support or challenge can be put in place as necessary.
In the Early Years, development is tracked through teacher observations which inform planning and next steps.
Monitoring of teaching and learning prioritises pupil voice; this promotes computing as a valued subject of which the children feel a sense of ownership and responsibility.
Click here to see the Computing and Online Safety Progression Map.