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'Do unto others as you would have them do to you'. (Mt 7.12)

St Matthew's Primary

Friendship • Discovery • Prayer

Parent Support Adviser (PSA)

Mrs Louise Morgan is our school’s trained Parent Support Advisor.  She has a huge wealth of experience having lived in Merton all her life and brought up three strapping lads of her own.  Her role is to offer advice on a range of family matters including health issues, parenting advice, education issues and service information eg housing/benefit issues. 

Louise will be available to meet with parents/carers on Wednesday mornings, from 8.30am till 12.00pm. Although she may not have all the answers, she knows where to go to find them and she will be able to direct you to people who will be able to help. Louise is very approachable and you can talk to her in complete confidence. 

To make an appointment to see Louise on a Wednesday morning please phone the school office on 020 8947 7227 or email her on: